Category Archives: Books

Looking For a Great Way To Learn Python Without Being Bored To Death?

credit: Amazon

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition, is one of the most novel programming books I have seen. You learn by creating simple games/programs.  The book is presented as a “learn by the seat of your pants” approach that is actually fun, unlike most coding manuals.   Typical programming  books (yes, even O’Reily), bore me to death after a while.  Keep in mind, that is no fault of O’Reily, but of my own short attention span.

I highly suggest you give this Python book a try.  As soon as I opened the book, I was very impressed with the presentation.  I didn’t feel as if they expected me to know everything, and the objectives were quite well laid out.  I felt as if the author understood I wasn’t an expert of have used other coding languages.

From the wording, to the excellent layout, to the actual realistic number of pages, I very much  am enjoying this textbook.  Trust me, start with this book, before you graduate to the 1500 (yes you read that right) page O’Reily book.  The book was just updated Enjoy!

Check it out now on Amazon.

Linux Education: Want To Learn Some Linux for FREE?

Want to learn some Linux, and don’t have cash for a paid online course?  Look no further this October!  Full, instructor-led courses will be given by Commsupport out of the UK, free of charge.  These sessions will be based on the book, Linux Essentials, and structured as follows:

5 minutes—Review of previous lecture’s material
40 minutes—Lecture
15 minutes—Review and questions

There will be approx 20/25 sessions each a duration of between 60 and 120 mins (Sometimes a little less some times a little more depending on the detail, number of examples and questions asked).  If you are interested, be sure to sign up at their main page, and be sure to read the FAQ presented on that page.  The Sessions are held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:00pm until 9pm GMT ) for weeks (Approx) (Or 3:00pm until 5:00pm EDT).  You can chat and ask questions during the session, and the course video capture(s) are available for purchase afterwards.

Can’t get any better than this!


Book Spotlight: Linux Pocket Guide

Essential Commands

Always in search of a good Linux book, I picked up the latest edition of this handy …errr…handbook, by the righteous and ever awesome, O’ Reilly Media.  It is a great resource to keep on hand, especially when your “higher power” has stricken you of your memory and you can’t remember how the hell to use rysnc…or what the hell the dd command is.  It is the “Google” of Linux commands, and often I find the answer in this book before I do online.

The book is written into sections on what topic/area of use you are looking for, and that makes it one step above other, straightforward dictionary type handbooks.  The back pages of the books do list commands by letter.  I am a big fan of O’ Reilly’s books, and this one does not disappoint   You might surprise yourself and open it up to a random page and try a new command, just like this dork!

Take care,



Book Spotlight: Ubuntu Made Easy: A Project-Based Introduction to Linux

I was recommended this book by a fellow Redditor to give to my parents to have them start using Linux, and I have to say so far, I am quite pleased with it. A nice project based book, “Ubuntu Made Easy: A Project-Based Introduction to Linux,” is a gentle push into the Open Source world of Linux.

Link is provided below. Enjoy.
Ubuntu Made Easy: A Project-Based Introduction to Linux

Book Spotlight: Rebel Code: Linux And The Open Source Revolution

The book I want to show you guys today is Revel Code: inside Linux and the open source revolution. I just started reading it, but it is quite captivating, and full of great information on really what started the Open Source / Free software movement.

Although the book was last updated 2002, Glyn Moody FULLY acknowledges that in the forward, noting that the book is about humble beginnings, not the end. I actually am enjoying this book much more than the Linus Torvalds “biography,” “Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary.”

So, you are in for a juicy Linux read, and missed this book somehow, hit the link below.

Rebel Code: Linux And The Open Source Revolution

Book Spotlight: Linux for Non-Geeks: A Hands-On, Project-Based, Take-It-Slow Guidebook

Stumbled upon this today after watching OS.ALT (great podcast btw, link below).  This is hands down the PERFECT book, even for the most unsavy computer user.  Parents or relatives breaking the computer too much?  Scared to hop on Linux?  This will get you up and running with many great applications within the first day.  I highly recommend it.  Drop below if you want a fresh start!


Nixie Pixel’s OS.ALT: