Category Archives: Soapbox Stand

Soapbox Stand: Why I hate Installing Multiple DE’s

This rant is mostly due to my constant desire to try things.  I am a tinkerer by nature.  Most people accept the default Desktop Environment, and move on.  Not me, I am constantly in a state of flux, due to ADD, and the fact I always feel I have to keep moving.  To be honest, I haven’t yet found that one DE, or seen “improvements” yet (*cough* gnome), that satisfy all my needs.  Allow me to explain. Read the rest of this entry

Soapbox Stand: OpenGL vs. Direct3D

Yea, yea, yea, I know what you are thinking, “here we go again..”  Bear with me though, as after reading an interesting perspective from a real developer over Rage3D (see source link), things may not be as they seem today.  Technical jargon aside, he has a good point.  Read on to find out.  Read the rest of this entry

Soapbox Stand: Is Ubuntu Edge Worth It?

The hubbub around  the Ubuntu Edge just keeps going and going, doesn’t it?  It’s not just that the device is sprouting from Canonical, Ubuntu’s main funding company, but that it represents a big push to break the chains of the common modern smartphone gamble.  But with just ~28 days left and ~26 *million* dollars short of the overall goal, one has to wonder if the idea will make it.

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I want to smack whoever designed this…


Why on EARTH do we have multiple symlinks on Android to accommodate every little program?  Its almost as bad as how Linux has kept so many /bin and /sbin locations. The actual hard link for sdcard1 (external SD card) is /storage/sdcard1, and for sdcard0, it is /storage/emulated/legacy.  In other spots, symlinks point to those two locations.  What ever happened to /mnt and /media?  In /storage/emulated yiu will notice the folders “0” and “legacy” both of which seem to be hard links, not* symlinks. Seriously?

Also note the sdcard_rw file from ***1969**???

/end rant


Soapbox Stand: Why U Move My /usr/bin?

arch linux y u no use usrsbin  - Y U No

Unix this, Unix that, you are destroying Linux… Some of these you might have heard recently with another Linux distro changing how the Linux filesystem is accessed (another prominent figure being Fedora).  Or a small part of it. As of June 2013, the team at Arch Linux merged /sbin and /usr/sbin in to /usr/bin.  Why why why you many be asking youself?  Well let’s look at it closely:

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Soapbox Stand: THIS is why I am a Linux user


Soapbox Stand – Going completely “free” with Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0

Not often do we enter a Linux Distribution and truly mind the “non-free” software that is included (Linux Mint, cough).  Although this non-free, and proprietary software is great and often does what we need to do, it is against the vision of GNU/Linux, namely Richard Stallman.  Whether or not you agree with this philosophy, is entirely up to you.

So really, what is “free software?”  I’ m sure you can google around, but I’ll brief you in short.  “Free” software is devoid of proprietary code, allowed to be shared freely, modified changed, to allow collaboration and betterment of the software at hand.  This not necessarily means 100 people commit horrible changes to a piece of software, rather it gives any developer, or user, the ability to change the software on their machine, and if they think it is worthwhile, suggest the code changes to the upstream developer (the original creator), to modify it permanently.

So what is “Open Source” then?  As GNU puts it, ““Open source is a development methodology; free software is a social movement.” For the Open Source movement, non-free software is a suboptimal solution. For the Free Software movement, non-free software is a social problem and free software is the solution.””  With Open Source, sure you can get the source code files, but often carries restrictive licensing, or restrictions on “freedom.”  Free Software’s philosophy aims to break those chains, and allow a sort of “1st amendment right” on software.

The Free Software Foundation maintains a good list here of such “free” distributions.  The spotlight right now is on Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0.  Feel free to give it a try!  Essentially, it is a stripped version of Ubuntu, with only “free” software.  The joy of Linux is you are not confined to one “OS.”  There are so many to try!  Choice is power folks.
