Category Archives: Education

Linux Education: Want To Learn Some Linux for FREE?

Want to learn some Linux, and don’t have cash for a paid online course?  Look no further this October!  Full, instructor-led courses will be given by Commsupport out of the UK, free of charge.  These sessions will be based on the book, Linux Essentials, and structured as follows:

5 minutes—Review of previous lecture’s material
40 minutes—Lecture
15 minutes—Review and questions

There will be approx 20/25 sessions each a duration of between 60 and 120 mins (Sometimes a little less some times a little more depending on the detail, number of examples and questions asked).  If you are interested, be sure to sign up at their main page, and be sure to read the FAQ presented on that page.  The Sessions are held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:00pm until 9pm GMT ) for weeks (Approx) (Or 3:00pm until 5:00pm EDT).  You can chat and ask questions during the session, and the course video capture(s) are available for purchase afterwards.

Can’t get any better than this!
