Category Archives: Git Hub (ProfessorKaos64)

GitHub Update: Changes To ffmpeg JBLive Scripts

Good evening folks.   Have a quick update from the JBLive (non-official) repository.  I added a flag before the rstp stream input opens to force TCP as a transport protocol over UDP/TCP.  Every time a script was ran, ffmpeg’s rtsp steam capture would also try UDP before trying TCP.  Sometimes would interfere with the stream capture kicking off reliably (as it seems).  Thanks to blackout24 on reddit,I finally got around to putting the the appropriate flags for experimental AAC support, which should  match up nicer with the input stream from Jupiter Broadcasting’s CDN.


  • Forced TCP transport protocol over rtsp
  • Added flags for experimental AAC support.


Thank you,


Github Games: Rise of The Triad

I wanted to extend a personal awesome welcome to my git hub gift, but putting out the source files to ROTT, fondly known as Rise of The Triad.  Those of you who grew up in the 90’s on Dos games, probably remember this one in the mix with Doom, Quake, and Duke Nukem.  If you haven’t, you didn’t play enough games, or had no idea what shareware was in the first place.  This game ruled, and today it is obviously dated.  No doubt though that it was popular enough to have its source code released by Apogee.

In anticipation and celebration of ROTT (2013) coming out July 31, this month*, I put up the latest SVN Linux build + the very-hard-to-get shareware .WAD files needed to actually run the game.  Trust me, they were hard to find if you didn’t have the cd already, or the extracted files.  The README file on my git hub, under “linux_games”, details the install.   So get to it!!! I will post any updates to my Git Hub repos on this site, so keep an eye out for them.

Source:  ProfessorKaos on Github 

